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Suspect Arrested After Stealing Car

Writer's picture: Caity KozCaity Koz

Manchester Police have been investigating a recent increase in motor vehicle thefts, particularly on the West Side of the city. As part of that investigation, the Manchester Patrol Division located a stolen vehicle and was able to make an arrest.

On January 20, 2024, at approximately 1:40 AM, a Manchester Police officer traveling in the area of Second St and Granite St saw a car that matched the description of a recently reported stolen vehicle.

At the intersection of Dover St and Clinton St, the officer activated his cruiser lights and attempted to stop the vehicle, but the driver did not comply. A short pursuit ultimately ended at the dead end of Fourth St, where the driver struck a bollard barricade.

The driver then got out of the car and began to run. The officers followed him on foot and eventually took the individual into custody.

The suspect was identified as a 17-year-old male from Manchester. He was charged with Receiving Stolen Property, Disobeying a Police Officer, Resisting Arrest, and Conduct After an Accident.

The investigation into car thefts is still active and ongoing. Anyone with information about these crimes should call the Manchester Police Department at 603-668-8711.

Police also urge residents to secure their vehicles at all times. It is also highly recommended that you use surveillance cameras to monitor your car and consider getting an after-market device such as “The Club,” for added protection. You can also contact your auto manufacturer or research how to best prevent theft of your particular make and model of vehicle.


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