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  • Writer's pictureJeffrey Hastings

NHSP Bomb Squad demonstrates the serious injuries from improper handling of fireworks

CONCORD, NH — Members of several departments came together for a presentation on firework safety at a press conference held by the New Hampshire Department of Safety on Thursday.

New Hampshire Department of Safety Commissioner Robert Quinn joined State Fire Marshal Sean Toomey, State Police Bomb Squad Commander Sergeant Jeffrey Dade, and Chief of the NH Forest Protection Steve Sherman to discuss fireworks safety leading into the Fourth of July Weekend.

Every year the Fourth of July brings many people together to celebrate the holiday, and fireworks become part of many celebrations.

“Our goal is to reduce deaths and injuries, and keep people safe,” said Commissioner Robert Quinn. “So, my message is simple; ‘I want everyone to be safe this Fourth of July.’ I want every Fourth of July celebration to start and end safely.”

“In New Hampshire, 90 percent of the wildfires are human-caused and we lose more than 200 acres annually to wildfires,” Chief Steve Sherman of the NH Forest Protection Bureau said. “While it’s easy to understand that campfires cause wildfires, fireworks also cause wildfires here in New Hampshire. Even something small like a sparkler could set off a wildfire. That’s why it’s important for people to be prepared this weekend.”

A demonstration was held by members of the New Hampshire State Police Bomb Squad to show the injuries that can be caused by illegal or improperly used fireworks. Watch NHSP Sgt. Jeff Dade explain some of the demonstrations:

“Please remember to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions so that permissible fireworks are used in a safe and appropriate manner,” said NH State Police Bomb Squad Commander, Sgt. Jeffery Dade. “Homemade fireworks are not only illegal but also a danger to the user and everyone around. Never modify consumer fireworks or make your own.”

“If you are going to enjoy fireworks as part of your celebration, we ask that you be prepared, be responsible and be safe,” said State Fire Marshal Sean Toomey. “Fireworks can be exciting and enjoyable, but they can also be dangerous. The safest way to enjoy fireworks is by attending one of the more than fifty professional displays scheduled this weekend all across the state.”

Commissioner Quinn, Marshal Toomey, Sergeant Dade, and Chief Sherman offer these firework safety tips:

Only buy fireworks from licensed fireworks retail stores.

There are more than 20 licensed stores in New Hampshire and they only sell fireworks that are approved for use in the state.

You must be 21 years of age to purchase, possess or use fireworks.

Some cities and towns do not permit fireworks. Check with the local police or fire department to determine if fireworks are permitted in the community.

Never allow children to ignite fireworks and always have children be a safe distance away.

Fireworks must only be discharged on private property or with landowner permission.

Always have a source of water in case of a fire.

Never place any part of your body directly over the fireworks device.

Remember to light the device and walk away. NEVER try to re-light a firework.

Important tips and information can be found at the State Fire Marshal website at

Watch the entire press conference video here Courtesy of ConcordTV.

©Jeffrey Hastings


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