Indictment Roundup: September 2022
August's Hillsborough County Superior Court – North Indictments include indictments related to the May Carpenter Center murder, the June rock-throwing incident at The Mall of New Hampshire, the February incident of two children found surrounded by needles, and the July arson that killed a dog.
About 30% of all indictments were drug-related, 12% were theft/robbery/burglary or fraud, 12% were assault, and 6% were sexual assault.
Out of the drug charges, about 40% were related to fentanyl, 28% were related to cocaine/crack cocaine, and 13% were related to methamphetamine.
Below are some of the indictments included.
Violent Crimes:
Stephanie Beard
Indictments: Theft by Unauthorized Taking, Second Degree Murder (2)
Allegedly killed victim with a knife and stole his car
This is related to a May incident where John Glennon was found stabbed to death in his apartment in the Carpenter Center. Beard was arrested in Boston.
David Hamilton of Manchester
Indictments: First Degree Assault (3), Conduct After Accident (3)
Allegedly accelerated his car in reverse, crashing and running over multiple victims causing compound fractures of one victim’s leg, a fractured pelvis in another victim, and a dislocated shoulder in a third.
This is related to a July incident where police were called for a report of a fight; when police arrived at the scene of around 20 people, Hamilton is alleged to have gotten into his car, reversed, and accelerated through a group of people. After crashing the car, Hamilton took off on foot and left a dog inside the car.
Malou Mayoul Roric of Manchester
Indictments: Reckless Conduct, Criminal Mischief
Allegedly threw rocks from elevated position onto vehicles and pedestrian traffic, causing damage to a person’s car.
This is related to a June incident at the Mall of New Hampshire; Roric was out on bail from previous charges at the time.
Gabriel Wonsang of Manchester
Indictments: Criminal Threatening (2)
Allegedly threatened Manchester Police Officers Kirby and Dawson with a heavy metal chain
This is related to a July incident where police were called to a 7-Eleven for a male who stole drinks and was swinging a chain.
Aaron Allen of Manchester
Indictments: Criminal Threatening, First Degree Assault (2), Falsifying Physical Evidence
Allegedly struck victim with a long blunt object, held a machete-style blade to victim’s throat, and attempted to conceal the long blunt object from authorities
Russell G Alvarez of Manchester
Indictment: First Degree Assault
Allegedly grabbed victim by the face and attempted to stab victim with a long knife
Angus Anderson of Manchester
Indictments: Burglary, Robbery, Second Degree Assault
Allegedly strangled victim while attempting to steal a dog; on a different occasion allegedly broke into a residence
Tyler Brooks of Bristol
Indictment: First Degree Assault
Allegedly drove a large tool with a metal scraper into Dr. Matthew Masewic’s chest
Leeann Burke of Manchester
Indictment: Criminal Threatening
Allegedly threatened to kill one or two people while holding a hammer
Nicolas David of Manchester
Indictment: Criminal Threatening
Allegedly threatened victim with a knife while yelling profanities
Allan Farrell of Manchester
Indictment: Simple Assault
Allegedly slammed a door on Officer Sardo
Mark Donald Gagnon of Manchester
Indictment: Reckless Conduct
Allegedly struck victim with his pickup truck
Matti Lynn Guyer, AKA Matthew Johnston
Indictments: Second Degree Assault (2)
Allegedly slammed victim to ground and punched her in the face, causing a fracture to her eye socket and a contusion to the eye.
John Edward Hilliard of Brockton, MA
Indictments: AFSA, FSA, Burglary
Allegedly entered the dwelling of a victim at night and penetrated and caused injury to the victim
Marc Horowitz of Manchester
Indictment: Criminal Threatening
Allegedly threatened two people with a large knife
Jeremy Matos of Hooksett
Indictments: Criminal Threatening, Felonious Use of Firearm (2), PRCFF, PRACC, Controlled Drug Acts; Acts Prohibited (2)
Allegedly racked a firearm and pointed it at victim’s face, while in possession of 29 Xanax pills and methamphetamine and having previously been convicted of 3 or more felonies
Raymond Moore of Manchester
Indictments: First Degree Assault, Falsifying Physical Evidence, Criminal Threatening
Allegedly slashed at victim’s midsection with a knife while threatening to kill the victim and then hid the knife
Joshua Provost of Manchester
Indictment: Criminal Threatening
Allegedly approached Manchester police officers with a knife in each hand, and challenged them by saying defiantly “Do you want to take it from me?” and “Come on!”
Crimes against minors:
Tiffany L Albert of Manchester
Indictments: Reckless Conduct (2)
Allegedly left children around uncapped syringes containing fentanyl
This is in regard to a February 2022 incident where two children were found with over 100 needles and other drug paraphernalia. Raymond Punturier had made the call, was found with the child, and was speaking incoherently. Albert, the children’s mother, had left the location earlier. Punturier has already been charged.
Fred Baldinelli of Manchester
Indictment: Indecent Exposure and Lewdness
Allegedly exposed genitals while a child under 16 was present
Wellington De La Cruz Montero of Manchester
Indictments: AFSA, FSA
Allegedly touched victim’s genitals after she said “no” while victim was a minor under the age of 16.
Shane Dziura of Manchester
Indictments: First Degree Assault, Second Degree Assault (2)
Allegedly shook infant, causing intracranial bleeding and a leg injury
Dmitriy Gvizda of Manchester
Indictments: AFSA (4)
Allegedly committed a pattern of sexual assault against a child under 13
Ronald Laquerre of Weare
Indictments: AFSA - Pattern, AFSA
Allegedly committed a pattern of sexual assault against a child under 13
Theft and Fraud:
Luis J. Avendano of Manchester
Indictments: Unemployment Compensation Fraud (2)
Allegedly worked for Amazon, Pyramid, Quantem Aviation Services, and Nashua Country Club while replying “No” to the unemployment benefits question about working and received benefits. This occurred 54 times over a period of 4 years.
Shaun B Barton of Manchester
Indictments: Receiving Stolen Property, Theft by Unauthorized Taking
Allegedly received a DCU debit card not belonging to Barton and attempted to withdraw $899 with it.
Keith Beal of Salem
Indictment: Burglary
Allegedly attempted to break into a residence
Zenandre Braccio of Manchester
Indictment: Theft by Unauthorized Taking
Allegedly took $2,300 from a victim under the guise of purchasing a transmission but never delivered transmission or returned the money
Jonathan Bryceland of Manchester
Indictments: Burglary, Falsifying Physical Evidence, Theft by Unauthorized Taking
Allegedly broke into Avis Car Rental and stole car, license plate, and keys and then removed the registration plate from the stolen car
Seth Cormier of Manchester
Indictments: Robbery, Falsifying Physical Evidence
Allegedly threatened victim with a kitchen knife to open a cash register to steal the cash and then threw the knife in “a location filled with plants”
Elias Dawley of Greenfield
Indictments: Robbery, Criminal Threatening
Allegedly threatened victim with a handgun while ordering victim to empty his pockets for money or valuables
Catherine Gagne of Manchester
Indictments: Burglary (2), Theft by Unauthorized Taking (2)
Allegedly entered two separate buildings on different days and stole a handgun and other property with a value of over $1,500.
Jordan Geoffrey of Manchester
Indictments: Theft of Services, Issuing Bad Checks (2)
Allegedly obtained services from 603 Pest Control and issued checks while knowing that his TD Bank account had a negative balance of $14,989.60
John Hammond of Manchester
Indictments: Possession of Controlled Drug, Theft of Lost or Mislaid Property
Allegedly kept NH State Driver’s License that he found while in possession of fentanyl
Jeffrey Hardwick of Manchester
Indictment: Receiving Stolen Property
Allegedly possessed a stole 9mm Ruger Firearm
James F McCormack of Manchester
Indictments: Theft by Unauthorized Taking (2)
Allegedly stole two I-Phones on separate occasions
Christopher Mount of Plymouth, MA
Indictment: Burglary
Allegedly entered the Men’s Locker Room at Elliot Hospital
Michelle Paige of Manchester
Indictment: Robbery
Allegedly punched the victim in the face to steal their wallet
Shaylene Racicot of Rochester
Indictments: Theft by Unauthorized Taking, Controlled Drug Act; Acts Prohibited
Allegedly stole $930.85 worth of merchandise from Walmart while in the possession of clonazepam
Driving Incidents:
Aaron Cantrell of Manchester
Indictments: Reckless Conduct, Possession of a Controlled Drug with Intent to Sell, Possession of a Controlled Drug (2)
Allegedly drove at a high rate of speed to avoid police while in possession of 5+ grams of crack cocaine and amphetamine
Edward I Esty of Hillboro
Indictments: Motor Vehicles; Penalties, PRCFF, Second Degree Assault, Reckless Conduct (4), Conduct After Accident, Disobeying an Officer
Allegedly drove with revoked license over 100 mph in the wrong lane of travel instigating a police pursuit where he eventually struck a police cruiser, causing injury to the Detective’s Vaillancourt’s back and crashed, causing a passenger’s broken arm, after which he fled on foot.
Yordy A Rubio-Olivero of Manchester
Indictment: Reckless Conduct
Allegedly drove motorcycle at high rate of speed through heavily populated area on a Friday night
Anthony Cote of Manchester
Indictment: Arson
Allegedly started a fire in his 3rd-floor apartment (361 Hevey Street) causing over $500,000 worth of damages.
This is related to a July incident that caused a 2-alarm fire, determined to have been started by lighting a chair on fire. All human residents survived, but a dog died in the fire.
Robert Sleeper of Manchester
Indictments: Criminal Solicitation, Witness Tampering
According to the indictment, allegedly wrote to “Ariakla” saying “Whether [the victim] write prosecution a letter w/ your help or simply goes to court after you coach her - I come home in October and all this sex offender bullshit goes away.” and “You know what you need to say to talk to her and get her back on our side.” Additionally, allegedly described the facts of his FSA charges and wrote “[t]his whole thing can/will go completely away if [the victim] goes to court and changes her testimony.”
This is in relation to 2021 charges of felonious sexual assault for allegedly assaulting a juvenile.
Matthew J Hills
Indictment: Duty to Inform
Allegedly failed to notify MPD of employment with Venice Old Style Pizza as required of a Tier III sexual offender
The following abbreviations are used: AFSA (Aggravated Felonious Sexual Assault), FSA (Felonious Sexual Assault), PRCFF (Pistols & Revolvers; Convicted Felons, Felony), PRACC (Pistols & Revolvers; Armed Career Criminals).
All the indictments are dependent on evidence brought before the Grand Jury and the accused are innocent until proven guilty.
From left to right: (top) Robert Sleeper, Stephanie Beard, Gabriel Wosang, Anthony Cote, (bottom) Malou Mayoul Roric, Tiffany Albert, David Hamilton