Caity Koz
Animal Cruelty Arrest
Manchester Police have arrested 29-year-old William Farnsworth in connection with the death of a 5-month-old pit bull puppy on December 17, 2022.
Through an investigation, police learned that the puppy had been assaulted and died from the injuries on the above mentioned date. The incident was reported to police the following day.
The suspect was identified as Farnsworth.
Early this morning, acting on a tip, Manchester Police located Farnsworth in Manchester and arrested and charged him with Felony - Animal Cruelty, Witness Tampering, and Falsifying Evidence. Farnsworth was also found to have suspected heroin/fentanyl on him at the time of the arrest and was charged with 2 counts of Possession of a Controlled Drug.
Farnsworth will be arraigned today (2/17/23) in Hillsborough Superior Court North.