18 People In Manchester And Nashua Died Of Suspected Overdoses In February
Manchester, NH - There were 18 suspected opioid deaths in Nashua & Manchester in February. That is the most suspected opioid deaths in a one-month period for Nashua & Manchester combined since tracking began in 2015. There were 13 suspected opioid ODdeaths in Manchester and 5 in Nashua during February. Almost all of those deaths remain in a pending toxicology status but are highly suspected to involve opioids.

There were 55 suspected opioid ODs in Manchester during February bringing the year-to-date (YTD) total to 111. The total annual number of suspected opioid ODs in Manchester is currently trending 2% lower than last year on an annual basis. Suspected fatal opioid ODs in Manchester are trending 41% higher than last year on an annual basis. Just over 16% of all the suspected opioid ODs in Manchester so far this year have been fatal.

There were 14 suspected opioid ODs in Nashua during February bringing the YTD total to 26. The total annual number of suspected opioid ODs in Nashua is currently trending 26% lower than last year on an annual basis. While overall suspected opioid ODs have dropped, suspected fatal opioid ODs in Nashua are still trending at essentially the same annual total as last year. Alarmingly, over ¼ (27%) of all the suspected opioid ODs in Nashua this year have been fatal.
AMR medics have responded to a total of 137 suspected opioid ODs in Nashua and Manchester through the end of February with 25 of them resulting in suspected opioid OD deaths. 18 in Manchester and 7 in Nashua.
The significant increase in deaths can most likely be attributed to very potent synthetic fentanyl which is now being found in nearly all types of illicit substances. In many cases, people who are using illicit substances have no idea that what they are using contains synthetic fentanyl - or how potent the synthetic fentanyl in the product is. Synthetic fentanyl can be lethal the first time you use it, knowingly or unknowingly.
To help prevent death, it is critical that people who use illicit drugs do not use them alone and have Narcan readily available. Narcan can be easily obtained throughout New Hampshire at numerous pharmacies, is available free of charge from local public health departments, and is easy to administer.
There is no safe illicit drug. Again, people who use illicit drugs of any type should bear in mind that it is highly likely there is synthetic Fentanyl in the substance that they are using.
In NH, anyone can seek substance use disorder treatment by accessing the NH Doorway program. The NH Doorway program can be accessed 24/7 by calling 2-1-1 at any time of the day or night or by visiting www.thedoorway.nh.gov.
