Tyrese Harris Arrest - Court Records Detail SWAT Traffic Stop, And Previous Arrests
Updated: Jul 13, 2023
MANCHESTER, NH - Court documents obtained by Manchester Information indicate that Tyrese Harris was arrested on Saturday for a drug charge after Manchester Police had him and a woman under surveillance after the fatal shooting on South Willow Street.
Officers assigned to the MPD SWAT team went to 1445 Bodwell Road to look for Harris who was a person of interest in the fatal shooting of Dzemal Cardakovic. It was learned that Harris had domestic ties with “KM” who lived at the address. Officers observed Harris and KM leave the address in a Kia Forte at 5:52 p.m.
Undercover officers followed the vehicle occupied by Harris and KM traveling on Bodwell Rd, Cohas Ave, and onto South Mammoth. At one point the vehicle pulled over and put the hazards on, and officers passed the vehicle but remained in visual contact.
The vehicle was observed making several traffic violations including straddling the white line, and making an improper turn onto Cilley Rd. Based on the information that possibly connected Harris to the shooting, a high-risk traffic stop was executed in the area of Cilley Rd and Belmont Street. Harris was ordered to shut off the vehicle and put his hands out the window. He was then ordered to walk backward and was placed in handcuffs.
Harris was asked if he had any weapons or dangerous items on his person and he told Officer Toney he had a baggie of cocaine in his pocket. It was later verified the baggie contained 1.8 grams of cocaine.
Harris and KM were transported to the Manchester Police station, and Harris was charged with possession of a controlled drug. He was later charged with two counts of second-degree murder for (1) knowingly causing the death of Dzemal Cardakovic, age 45, by shooting him with a firearm; and alternatively, for (2) recklessly causing the death of Cardakovic under circumstances manifesting an extreme indifference to the value of human life, to wit, Harris shot Cardakovic with a firearm. KM was detained but later released by police with no charges.
In 2018 Tyrese Harris was charged with criminal mischief and pleaded guilty. In November 2019 Harris was charged with criminal threatening and court records indicate he was required to do mental health counseling, but never sentenced to any incarceration.
Court records indicate that Harris lists his address as 1445 Bodwell Road, and the address of 322 Rockland Ave is listed on the bail order.
Monday Tyrese Harris was scheduled to be arraigned on murder charges in Hillsborough County Superior Court but waived arraignment. He is being held on preventative detention at the Valley Street Jail. His next scheduled date in court is January 17, 2023 for a dispositional hearing.
©Jeffrey Hastings www.frameofmindphoto.com/news
