Homeless Man Found Guilty Of Manslaughter, Negligent Homicide, And First-Degree Assault
Brandon Gomez, 37 was found guilty on multiple charges stemming from a September 2021 assault in Victory Park that resulted in a death.
Prosecutors Attorney Shawn Sweeney and Attorney Elena Brander of the Hillsborough County Attorney’s Office worked together with the Manchester Police Department and the homeless population to bring about this guilty verdict.
Gomez was ultimately found guilty of Manslaughter, Negligent Homicide, and First Degree Assault.
On September 30, 2021, Manchester Police located 57-year-old Brian Berlo of no fixed address in Manchester in Victory Park. He had been badly beaten and later succumbed his injuries.
This case was challenging for everyone involved. Manchester Police worked tirelessly to locate witnesses in the community who were not easily found, and aided in facilitating communication between those individuals and the County Attorney’s Office in preparation for trial.
Merrill Beauchamp, Victim Witness Advocate, went as far as to search the homeless encampment to bring a critical witness into the courtroom at the last minute to complete the State’s case on Friday.
“I am grateful for the initial response of the patrol officers to this incident as well for the excellent investigation that was conducted by the detectives assigned to this case,” said Manchester Police Chief Allen Aldenberg.
“This case is an example of the Hillsborough County Attorney and the Manchester Police Department’s commitment to equal application of justice regardless of social status,” says Hillsborough County Attorney John Coughlin.
Gomez will be sentenced on April 21, 2023.
